Mosaics from the heritage of ELTE – November 2022

Object of the month – Logbook of Gusztáv Bárczi, student of medicine

Gusztáv Bárczi (1890–1964) obtained his diploma as special needs education teacher in 1913, after which he devoted his entire life to the development of the special needs education profession and teacher training. He received his doctorate at the Pázmány Péter University Faculty of Medicine in 1921. His logbook issued in September 1916 as a student of the Faculty of Medicine shows that he was able to learn from famous scientists of the era, among the signatures are Loránd Eötvös (experimental physics), István Bugánszky (experimental chemistry), Béla Mauritz (mineralogy) and János Tuzson (plant taxonomy).

The Special Needs Education Teacher Training College led by Gusztáv Bárczi has been bearing his name since 1975, and in honor of the distinguished representative of the profession, it kept the name during the university integration of the institution in 2000. The logbook and the legacies of other distinguished professors have been placed in the History of Special Needs Education Collection. The collection was created in 1965 within the framework of the college, but based on Gusztáv Bárczi's cherished plans since 1944. The aim of the unique collection is to preserve the objects and documents of the history of Hungarian special needs education and teacher training for students and professionals.

Written by: Schlay Georgina

Bárczi Gusztáv orvostanhallgató leckekönyve, 1916/17. első félév
Logbook of  Bárczi Gusztáv a student of medicine 1916/17. first semester
Bárczi Gusztáv orvostanhallgató leckekönyve, 1916/17. második félév
Logbook of  Bárczi Gusztáv a student of medicine 1916/17. second semester


Source/author of illustration:
Bergmann Krisztina, ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education

The entire periodical collection is now accessible in the online catalogue

The periodical collection of the University Library includes approximately 207 000 volumes of 11 500 titles covering various subjects such as philosophy, theology, history, church and religious studies and law.

The most valuable part of the collection are the 400 titles (4 000 volumes) printed before 1800. This historical part of the periodical collection contains 18 rare Hungarian titles in addition to the many international journals in German, English and French.

The constantly expanding collection provides current scientific literature published in Hungarian and a selection of international journals.

The complete periodical collection is available in the library’s online catalogue.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives

Guitar concert at the Autumn Festival of Museums

István Ádám will give a concert at the ELTE University Library and Archives (1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.) on the 11th of November 2022 from 18.00.

Detailed programme:

Johann Sebastian Bach - BWV 998 - Prelude
Fernando Sor - Op. 6 - No.12
Agustin Barrios - El ultimo tremolo
Emilio Pujol - El abejorro
Heitor Villa Lobos - No. 3
Heitor Villa Lobos - No. 6
Dilermando Reis - Se Ela Perguntar
Leo Brouwer - Estudios Sencillos - X

All visitors are welcome!

Source/author of illustration:
István Ádám

Autumn Book Fair

The Autumn Book Fair will be open from the 24th of October 2022 during our opening hours in the library lobby, where you can choose from hundreds of our free books, while stocks last, and bring in your surplus books.

Everybody is welcome!

Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives
1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.

Source/author of illustration:

Conference for university collections

Between the 6th and the 8th of October 2022, the German Gesellschaft für Universitätssammlungen held its annual conference in Vienna. The „Collection is in focus. University collections as places of critical discussion” was organised by the collection coordination staff at the University of Vienna in the university's main building.

The Gesellschaft für Universitätssammlungen was established with the aim of supporting the wide dissemination and preservation of educational and research collections at universities in Germany. This year, „sensitive objects” came to the fore in the presentations of the conference. This sensitivities can appear in several aspects, but their common feature is that these collections represent a significant problem in handling. The aim of the conference was to bring these problematic collections into focus, as they include human remains (which in some cases also include the management of colonial heritage), objects at risk from the point of view of protection and long-term preservation (e.g. glass slides, glass negatives); digitalisation as the question of access (accessibility) may also arise.

Since its inception, the University Collection Coordination under the leadership of the ELTE University Library and Archives has maintained a relationship with the collection coordination within the university library of the University of Vienna. The ELTE’s collection organization is very similar to the society’s member institutions in Germany and Vienna, they provided an opportunity to present our university. Archivist Krisztina Tóth Ph.D. and museologist Georgina Schlay participated in the conference on behalf of the coordination. On the afternoon of the 7th of October, the background and activities of the University Collection Coordination were summarized in the poster section.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives

Reporting Day K21 – Results in the light of quality improvement

At the third quarterly report of the K21 Quality Coordination Committee 2022, the leaders of the working groups reported on the results of the past quarter, ongoing work and changes.

The K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee thanked Ilona Bodnár PhD for her outstanding work as library manager and wished her a prosperous retirement.

The Accessibility Working Group sent a reminder about the availability of the documents in EDIT to assist special needs students with library services.

Members of the Primary Research Working Group are actively working on the analysis of the 2022 Student Needs and Satisfaction Survey, and preparation of a survey on the use of electronic content has begun.

A key task of the Process Management Working Group is the revision of the process inventory for the Quality Management Handbook. In preparation, a task list has been prepared. The document also includes faculty submissions with comments and suggestions on the text.

News were published on our website and a short summary film entitled 3 months – 3 minutes was sent out on the results achieved by the K21 working groups. We also contributed to the publication of news about sensitisation training to support students with special needs and about the success of the ELTE Librarian Day. We welcomed students at the beginning of the autumn semester with a presentation of the University Library Service on our website and on the Neptun platform, promoting the services offered by our libraries. In website news, we congratulated our distinguished staff and provided information on the changes to the bibliography requirements for doctoral theses.

Work on the collection and organisation of materials for the development of the „virtual Green Library” is in progress.

In their meetings, the library directors discussed the process of book acquisition with the support of the Humanity Foundation, the procurement of RFID devices, the process of student debt settlement following the change in the Student Requirements System, the publication of user training courses organised by the faculties, the journal ordering and EISZ subscription for 2023, as well as the provisions and measures expected due to the energy emergency.

During the meeting, the analytical groups for the preparation of the new strategy reported on the the work in progress.

We will update you on the results of the K21 Quality Coordination Committee and our new developments on our website soon.


Source/author of illustration:

Books, robes, science – University history exhibition at the Autumn Festival of Museums

Our mini exhibition „Book, Robe, Science – Symbols from the Past of Eötvös Loránd University” is open until the 11th of November 2022 as part of the Autumn Festival of Museums.

The exhibition presents the major turning points in the history of Eötvös Loránd University, with the help of memorabilia from the University Library and Archives. Through symbols, our guests can follow the development of the Jesuit-founded institution serving Catholic education, from its transformation into a state and royal university to the 300th anniversary of its foundation. After the university reform in 1949, many traditions were ceased to be practised and the related representative objects were transferred to museums. The fate of these objects in the 20th and 21st centuries is explored in the virtual space of the exhibition.

For a detailed programme, please, visit our homepage. All visitors are welcome!


University Library and Archives, Eötvös Loránd University, Boardroom

1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.

More information:

The exhibition is open to the public during the Autumn Festival of Museums until the 11th of November 2022, on weekdays between 10.00 and 15.00. Registration is possible at

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives, Diploma Inaugurale, 1780 (detail)